Capacity to conceive
If you are trying to achieve pregnancy, keep in mind that fewer than a third of couples will succeed within the first month, 50% of couples by 6 months and 80-90% of couples by 18 months. Infertility is usually defined as the inability to conceive after 12-18 months of sexual intercourse without contraception. Approximately 15% of couples trying to have a child are not able to do so. Having intercourse without using contraception does not guarantee you will become pregnant, but observing your mucus signals so you know when you are about to ovulate greatly increases your chances. Knowing when you are fertile and infertile can help increase your likelihood of achieving pregnancy.
One of the easiest ways to increase your chances of achieving pregnancy is to know when you are most fertile. With the help of one of our instructors, you will not only get to know your body but you will learn to recognize the signals of fertility to boost your baby-making ability, taking the guesswork out of achieving pregnancy.
“The mucus is the most reliable signal of fertility. It is not only a sign of fertility, it is fertility”
Dr. Evelyn Billings, Co-founder of the Billings Ovulation Method®
Some women are unaware of the cervical mucus’s purpose and so they avoid intercourse when they have mucus, not realizing that this mucus is a key to achieving pregnancy. Some couples only have intercourse around day 14 of the cycle, thinking that is the time of ovulation. What they don’t realize is that the woman can ovulate sooner or later than day 14. By concentrating their intercourse around day 14, they may miss the time when the woman was actually fertile. When couples understand the importance of the mucus and have intercourse at their most fertile time, pregnancy often follows.
“Learning to recognize the times when you are most fertile, and when you are about to ovulate, will greatly improve your chances of becoming pregnant”
Dr. Evelyn Billings, Co-founder of the Billings Ovulation Method®
Recognizing fertility
The joint fertility of the couple is dependent on sperm, ovulation, and the presence of mucus. Mucus which produces a wet/slippery sensation at the vulva is an indicator of impending ovulation.
Most women can easily learn to recognize an obvious mucus discharge at the time of fertility. For some women, this discharge may be slight in amount and not easily seen. However, there will be a subtle change in sensation produced by the mucus at the time of fertility. No internal investigations are necessary.
The Billings Ovulation Method® helps women to recognize this time of fertility and maximize the chance of conception.
Billings Ovulation Method®
When a woman learns the Billings Ovulation Method®, she is taught to recognize and understand her signs of fertility and infertility. She does this by observing the presence or absence of mucus at the vulva. This mucus, produced at the cervix, is essential for fertility. Sperm cells depend on this mucus for their survival and their ability to reach and fertilize the egg.
Mucus that has fertile characteristics indicates the approach of ovulation. Some women experience very little mucus and not in every cycle. If the couple has intercourse at this time they increase the likelihood of achieving pregnancy.
“We tried to become pregnant for more than 16 months. It was so frustrating. Once we learned the Billings Method, it didn’t take long to become pregnant. We are so thrilled with our new baby boy!”
“It is seen that the rules of the Billings Ovulation Method cope effectively with all the types of ovarian activity yet discovered.”
Professor J.B. Brown, “Studies on Human Reproduction”
Do you have accurate information to help you achieve pregnancy sooner rather than later? Find a Learning Center near you and connect with one of our accredited instructors.
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