The Billings Ovulation Method® teaches you to recognize the natural symptoms of fertility and infertility in each cycle at any stage of your reproductive life and to monitor your reproductive health. It is about educating yourself to understand your body. When you tune into the natural rhythms of your body you will gain a deep sense of satisfaction. By understanding your fertility, you will gain valuable knowledge of your body benefitting you for your entire fertile life.
The mucus is the most reliable signal of fertility – it is not only a sign of fertility, it is fertility. Anxiety, stress, travel, illness, or a change of environment may delay ovulation. The Billings Ovulation Method® provides an invaluable guide to your general gynecological health. Once you learn to recognize your normal mucus pattern, any significant variation, such as unusual bleeding or discharge, will alert you to the problem at an early stage. Do not worry if your mucus pattern is not the same as other women. It may be present for a shorter or longer time, and there may be more or less of it.
You will find that your pattern is as individual as you are. The daily record will help you to become familiar with your patterns of fertility and infertility in all situations. Keep in mind that irregular cycles are much more common during adolescence and menopause, which are the two extremes of reproductive life, as opposed to your 20s to 40s. Irregular cycles are also common while breastfeeding a baby, or after ceasing hormonal contraception such as the Pill. It is natural for some women to be very irregular and yet normally fertile. It is important to work with one of our instructors in order to gain accurate information and knowledge about your cycles.
Do you have the knowledge to recognize and monitor your patterns of fertility and infertility? Find a Learning Center near you and connect with one of our accredited instructors.
Outside of the GTA? Find locations across Ontario here. For locations across Canada, visit our Links to Other Billings Groups page.
“I can’t believe this is all happening to my body, this is how it works, amazing!”
“I thought I was in-tune with my body – I guess I wasn’t! I’m still astonished about how much I have learned. Thank-you for your kindness, knowledge, and guidance to learn this phenomenal method!”