At various Catholic Marriage Preparation Programs across the GTA, the Natural Family Planning Association (NFPA) presents a talk that introduces the Billings Ovulation Method® of natural family planning (NFP). During this presentation, NFPA instructors explain the scientific aspects of the Billings Ovulation Method® of modern NFP, how the method works and how it differs from the outdated Calendar/Rhythm method, and how each woman has her own individual patterns of fertility and infertility. The presentation includes explanations of Catholic Church teachings regarding the use of NFP.
Couples will need to work with one of the NFPA instructors to learn the Billings Ovulation Method® so that they can successfully manage their fertility. When fully understood and practiced, the Billings Ovulation Method® is a highly effective method for family planning.
“I didn’t think that my future husband was going to be able to abstain, we had already waited so long. But, once it was all explained to us, & I began to chart Luis understood how much we could make love he was fully onboard. We haven’t looked back! It is working so well for us.”
Marriage Preparation Program Leaders
If you are interested in offering an NFP presentation during your Marriage Preparation Program, there are two options:
- Parishes close to a Billings Ovulation Method® Learning Center are invited to send their engaged couples to the regular clinic night as one of the evenings in their marriage preparation course. In the event that the clinic falls on a weekday evening different from the parish course evening, couples who have been given advanced notice seem to have no difficulty in making the adjustment.
This option allows interested couples to immediately begin learning the Billings Ovulation Method® by receiving instruction on how to chart. Couples who wish to consider using the method at a later date will know where to go for further instructions. Feedback from parish courses indicates that couples enjoy the change of venue and some feel that natural family planning acquires greater credibility in a clinic environment.
- The Natural Family Planning Association may be able to provide one of its instructors or couples to present at your parish. The presentation will take 1 hour (2 hours if addressing Catholic Church teachings).
“I was looking for an alternative to the Pill; I didn’t like the side effects I’ve had. My instructor was so helpful. She guided me step-by-step through the whole learning process. She answered all of our questions.”
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